Off the Beaten Jack is an atypical, immersive travel series, winning Best New Podcast at the 2023 ARIAS and 2022 British Podcast Awards.

In Series 1, I booked a flight to the U.S. after quitting the job I hated and started travelling across America by train - couchsurfing in small towns and interviewing the people I met en-route about their lives.

Series 2 sees me travel to Columbus, Mississippi to housesit for three months. There wasn’t a scandal to uncover or murder to investigate - all I wanted to do was paint a picture of a town in the heart of the Bible Belt, interrogating the stereotype and looking at the nuance which is left out. 

Seeking to tell peoples’ stories and encourage discussion around divisive and sensitive issues, I try to approach conversations with emotional intelligence and an open mind. What’s clear is everyone has a story. Whether it’s meeting your wife whilst working in a funeral home (and planning the cremation of her recently-deceased husband), or walking 3,700 miles for nuclear disarmament.

Real people share deeply personal stories about everything from their battle with addiction, to growing cannabis to deal with chronic pain. Through my hosts, I experience different ways of life, whether it’s stripping off to stay with a nudist, being taken shooting in rural Montana or learning to count cards with a professional gambler. 

So tune in and join me as I head… Off the Beaten Jack. 

Photo by: Joe Boswell